Studies - Master Game Design at Isart Digital Paris

First Year Spotlight


What I learned and applied

- Game Design (Level Design, Economic Design, Narrative Design, Game Loops, Systems, Bartle taxonomy, ...)

- Project Management

- UX and Human Psychology (Conferences)

- Game Feel (Juiciness, Polish, ...)

- QA

- And more !


- Board Game (Team - 3 Months)

      - 5 Game Designers

      - 5 Artists

- One Button Game (Solo - 2 Months - Unity)


More details

- Juice It! (Solo - 2 Weeks - Unity)

      - page

- Action 2.5D (Team - 2.5 Months - Unity)

      - 6 Game Designers

      - 2 Programmers

      - 1 Sound Designer

Second Year Spotlight


What I learned and applied (new)

- Combat Design

- And more !


- Level Designing (Team - <5h - Unreal Engine)

- Fighting game (Team - 3 months - Unity)

      - 6 Game Designers


More details



- Programming (Blueprint and C++)

- Level designing in the Editor

- UI design & modularity (UMG, Common UI, ...)

- AI management and design

- Multiplayer (Client prediction, EOS, ...)

- Gameplay Ability System framework (GAS)

- And a lot more of how Unreal Engine works under the hood...

Example of systems I made (C++)

- Item definition modularity using DAs, Instanced Structs and GAS

- Multiplayer inventory and equipment system

- Multiplayer building system (Placement, pre-place, snapping)

- Multiplayer interaction system (Focus, use, hold, carry)

- Multiplayer world time, routines and jobs

- Multiplayer shooting manager with rollback correction

- Multiplayer satisfactory-like machine system (Sources, targets, connections, receipts, ...)

- Multiplayer endless runner generation

- Multiplayer Account and Lobby management

Sample of my projects

\\ KCPTS //

Personal project

A Solo cyberpunk game.

Image Galleryuncompleted demo gameplay

2022-2023 (Abandoned)

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- Programming (C#)

- Level Designing in the Editor

- UX/UI Progamming & Design

- AI progamming and design

Example of systems I made (C#)

- Endless Runner procedural level generation

- Complex input action system with root motion animations

- Custom CSV Reader

- Data driven AI system  (Idle, attack  (Detection, tracking, charging, attacking and recovering) and pushed).

- Combat "push" physic mechanic with force transfer combined with ragdoll.

Sample of my projects

\\ RUN OR DIE //

Game Design Studies project

My work was focused on implementing a complex input action system with root motion animations and an infinite level generation with procedural generation rules.

GAMEPLAY VIDEOunity project (github SAMPLE)

Early 2024 (Finished)

\\ PUSH'EM ALL! //

Game Design Studies project

In this team project that lasted 3 months I did all the heavy lifting on the AI system, as well as some player behaviors.
The AI system is composed of multiple sub-systems: firstly an enemy has 3 states (Idle, attack and pushed), secondly the attack state itself has multiple phases (Detection, tracking, charging, attacking and recovering) and lastly those systems are data driven using a data asset where designers can tweak the values.

trailerwalkthrough page

Late 2024 (Finished)

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Personal project

When working on a game project, I needed a way to visualize the ingredients dependencies of my items.
In this currently WIP project, you can create resources, items and set ingredients for them.
You can then naviguate in a generated graph (using Mermaid) and see what ingredients an item needs with various level of details.
You can also move around in the graph and zoom in and out!


Summer 2024


Freelance project

I made a website that reproduce a bank system using html, css, js, php and a SQL Database.
This system is also linked to a lua computer program inside the ComputerCraft : Tweaked Minecraft mod.

Summer 2023

\\ StructureCCloner //

Open source project

StructureCCloner is a simple way to clone a 3D zone and rebuild it anywhere using the Minecraft ComputerCraft:Tweaked mod.

August 2023

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As a big fan of Valorant, I did montages with my own clips and montages for my clients with their clips and instructions

Personal Montages

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